Research has shown that the best predictor of future success is a sense of self-esteem. Montessori programs, based on self-directed, non-competitive activities, help children develop good self-images and the confidence to face challenges and change with optimism.
Montessori classrooms provide a prepared environment where children are free to respond to their natural tendency to work. Children have a natural desire to learn. Corresponding educational environments and appropriately trained teachers “prepare the environment” for the stages of learning. The child learns independently, using the parts of the environment.

The learning environment nurtures individualization, freedom of choice, independence, coordination, concentration, social interactions, and competency in basic skills. Children are proud of their projects and each step plays an important role in the total learning process. They learn to work in an orderly fashion and to be respectful of others.
Children who learn a skill have the opportunity to express it in their own way. If they are feeling particularly self-confident at that moment, they may choose to share their new skill by inviting a peer to look at their work or announcing it to the group at “circle time.” If they are feeling more reserved at that moment, they can perfect a skill one-on-one with their directress, without any scrutiny from classmates.