The safety and security of the learners in our care is paramount!

CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)

Safety and security
For the protection of the school and the learners, there are 8 outdoor cameras that are active 24 hours, 7 days a week. The cameras are monitored by both the kitchen staff and the office.

Electromagnetic Gate Lock

There are only two entrance / exit points into the school grounds. One is the vehicle gate that is opened by remote control (for teacher use) and the other the pedestrian gate. The pedestrian gate is used by parents, staff and learners to enter the premises and has an electromagnetic lock which is opened with a tag. All parents and staff will have a tag issued to them. The pedestrian gate is also monitored via video. No unauthorised person will be allowed to enter the premises.

Inside Gates

To enter the building you have to pass through a gate and then either the adult or child sized front door. This gate and both front doors will be locked between 8:30 and 12:30, at 13:00 and reopened between 15:00 and 15:15. Parents coming to collect children outside these times are to notify the office. The side gates going to the back of house and playground will be permanently locked.

Armed response

The armed response company is alerted automatically if the electric fence or panic buttons are activated.


Staff are on duty to receive learners in the morning, registers are taken and all learners not collected at the end of the school day are handed over to the aftercare teacher and checked in. We ask you for assistance in leaving a written permission slip with the office if your child is going home with someone else or is leaving school early. Learners will not be allowed to go home with anyone lacking the express written permission of their parent or guardian.

Our staff are trained in primary first aid and a fully equipped first aid kit is kept in the school office for emergencies. Emergency plans are posted in each classroom and evacuation drills are practiced once a term.

Indoor and outdoor safety checks are conducted routinely in order to ensure that any potential hazard/s is attended to timeously.